• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 19, 2017

    my latest book = my best advice (get it free)

    I want to make you an offer you can't refuse:

    Sign up for a free trial of Close.io today to get the customers-only version of my upcoming book "The Follow-Up Formula".

    Here's the full story:

    Since 2013, I've been sharing my knowledge on getting customers and building businesses.

    But here's something that few people understand: Some of my best advice can be summarized in three simple words.

    Follow up more.

    How do I know? Well, I've been getting daily emails from people that followed my follow-up formula demonstrating its effectiveness and reporting it back to me. Millions in deals closed, investments received, press coverage, top talent hired—even an engagement as a result (not kidding) :)

    All this value just with "following up more"?


    But of course there's a lot more to it: How exactly do you follow up the right way? When's the best time to follow up? Which channels do you use? What can you do to follow up effectively?

    But in the end, it boils down to this simple idea: Follow up more.

    Which is why I've written this:


    Be the first to get a free copy and sign up for a free trial now.

    If you want only a free copy of the book, and not sign up for a free trial, that's fine. We'll release that soon as well.

    But if you sign up for a free trial now, not only will you be the first to get the book—you'll also get a special chapter that's for customers only.

    Here's what I can tell you about our software:

    • It has a manual follow up feature, which is fine (plenty of sales tools have this. It's one of those essential things you should just expect of any sales software worth its salt)
    • The real follow up superpower of Close.io is in our Search & Smart Views features though. These allow you to easily create highly customized lead lists, and run them through workflows for very targeted follow-up campaigns. No other piece of software even comes close. It's a fundamentally different approach to a CRM than anything you've worked with so far.
    • We've got a lot of features that'll help you to sell better via phone and email, and gather better sales data, but in the end it comes down to this: you'll make more sales and close more deals. But don't take my word for granted. Try it risk-free for 14-days and let the results speak for themselves. 

    Go get'em!

    PS: If you don't want to try our software for free, you can also schedule a demo and talk with someone from my team to help you figure out if Close.io is a good fit for you or not. (And you'll still get the customers-only edition of the book.)

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