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    Monday, May 22, 2017

    Great salesperson, terrible sales manager. Sound like you? Read this!

    I almost ruined my sales team. Many years ago when I was still living in Germany. I was a young and hungry sales person who rose quickly up the ranks. I made a lot of money, and before I knew it, I was heading a sales team.

    Now, here's something that happens all too often:

    I was a great SALESPERSON. But I was a terrible SALES MANAGER.

    And I knew it. My team was failing. Because of me. They were all working hard. They listened to me, did what I asked them to do. But day after day, week after week, month after month, they failed to meet their numbers.

    And I did my best too. I poured my heart into putting them up for success, but I let them down. I couldn't figure it out. It gave me sleepless nights. 

    Until the day when I met the sales genius that gave average sales presentations.

    Go get'em!

    PS: If you're a sales manager (or striving to become one), what's one problem you're faced with? What's a question that's been bothering you right now? Just hit reply and let me know, maybe I can help :)

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