• Breaking News

    Monday, March 6, 2017

    Y Combinator is a waste of time—unless you do THIS

    Even if you aren't interested in joining Y Combinator, you should read my latest post on the Close.io blog. Since you've for some reason joined my email list, I'm assuming that you're the kind of person who wants to accomplish extraordinary things in sales, business or life in general. 

    Getting accepted into YC can be a huge opportunity or a total waste of time. It all depends on the mindset you bring to the table. 

    I'm not talking about being an optimist vs a pessimist, or anything of that nature. Whether you have a positive outlook on life or not matters, but that's not what this post is about.

    I'm talking about something much more pragmatic and actionable. Keep reading ...

    Go get'em!

    PS: If you like today's post, I'd appreciate it if you share it on twitter.

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