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    Friday, February 3, 2017

    Sales scripts & how to handle customer objections

    Here's a free sales script template and learn how to create a objection handling document.
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    Startup Sales Course: Lesson #5

    Today I want to help you create the basic sales documents that will help you setup your startup for sales success.

    1. A Phone Sales Script Template & Pitching Methodology
    2. A Process to Manage Any Sales Objection Successfully

    These essential tools will be the foundation of your sales success. Make sure to read the posts, download the template and take the time today to create your own sales script and objection management doc.

    Take action today and you'll see better results tomorrow! 

    Happy Selling!


    What startup hustlers say about this course:
    "Expected this to be the same Internet sales BS I get from most CRM providers who focus on describing my problems and stop there. As a novice I really appreciate the step by step. Helps reduce apprehension and provides a starting point." - Suraj Srinivas, Vetica


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